The ever-changing pedal board configuration now sees me trying out the inclusion of the amp on the board itself. Included is a Palmer PDI-09 speaker emulated DI box to cover me for those fly gigs where there is no cab available and I haven’t brought my own. Very soon I’ll have a Lovepedal Pickle Vibe (Univibe type pedal) to replace the Orange 90 phaser.

This is what I refer to as my “Classic Board” and is my main rig for playing with my band.

It fits into an old laptop case, which opens flat, so I can carry it over my shoulder and the whole thing is lighter than most amplifiers.

The modular format is great. I can just take the Pedaltrain Nano holding the pedals and power pack off and it’s a stand alone pedal board, so I can choose whether to have the amp on the floor or on top of the cab behind me… Whatever suits the stage I’m setting up for.

Either way, this whole rig is super portable and does everything I need.

I’ve also got a 2nd board near completion – my “Contemporary Board” built in this format, but all on one board for playing different types of gigs. It’ll consist of reverb, delay, looper, a more modern-voiced distortion, chorus and phaser. Primarily a DI only rig for playing out with DJs.

The beauty of these Donner pedals is that they are so cheap I can duplicate my pedal board rig with hardly any concerns about budget, so if I get any other wacky pedal board design ideas I can try them out and duplicate my pedal setup. For an entire pedal board setup that I typically use, the total cost comes in at less than many single boutique pedals and in my opinion there is no compromise in tone.

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