Posted inAmplifiers Video Making a Stand! I made a cool stand for my Toneblock and Orange 1x8 cab. It's angled up like a stage monitor and cost nothing to make from scraps and parts I had lying around. January 27, 2016Posted inAmplifiers, Video
Posted inAmplifiers Pedals Rig Update for January 2016 What I used at the last gig was not quite enough to satisfy my tonal hunger, which has led me to go back to an approach I was using last year. January 14, 2016Posted inAmplifiers, Pedals
Posted inAmplifiers Pedals Reviews The Quilter Tone Block 200 Head It's about time I actually write a detailed review of my Quilter Tone Block 200 head. I've been using it regularly now since Halloween 2014... January 4, 2016Posted inAmplifiers, Pedals, Reviews
Posted inGuitars Pickups Squier Vintage Gilmourfied 70s Strat I had no intention of turning my Strat into a David Gilmour Strat, but it has ended up closely resembling one in both looks and functionality. November 13, 2015Posted inGuitars, Pickups
Posted inPedals Projects Gear Update Sep 2015 It's now about the same width and twice the depth of a Pedaltrain Nano+ (the newer version). Measuring in at about 18" x 9". September 25, 2015Posted inPedals, Projects