One thing about some budget brands of guitar that isn’t always obvious until you decide to start modding or upgrading parts is how they can differ from more expensive guitars in terms of dimensions and other measurements. Differences that can make upgrading parts a little problematic.

I decided I wanted to upgrade the electronics on my SX Tele, which is really coming into its own now in open-G with the low ‘E’ removed. The plan was to install  the two CTS 250k pots and a 4-way Oak-Grigsby switch that I already have, but I soon discovered a couple of problems with that.

First, the control cavity was too narrow to accommodate the full-size CTS pots. The stock ones are mini pots. Secondly I found that the depth was too shallow for the 4-way switch to fit. The stock 3-way switch does not extend down as far as the Oak-Grigsby switch.

So I did a quick route of the control cavity. The SX body is thinner than a standard Telecaster, but when measuring the depth of the cavity it transpired that there was plenty of wood left for me to route further to the required depth.

Making sure I preserved the clearance for the control plate to cover the widened hole, whilst making it wide enough for the full-sized pots I went at it with my trim router. The depth was easy enough because I used the existing route as the guide edge for the bearing on the router bit. Then, minus a template, I placed two straight batons either side of the cavity, just inside the width of the control plate and fixed them with double-sided tape.

It all went well and now I just need to wire it all up.

Seeing as I already had the parts I needed for the upgrade, this mod cost me nothing. Hopefully it will make a big difference too. I’m on the lookout for a set of Alnico Tele pickups to put in this thing now. I think it deserves it.

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